Decarbonization in food industry
Challenge. How can innovation in the food chain provide opportunities to monitor and reduce the global GHG footprint?
Around 30% of Europe's GHG emissions are caused by the food system, which makes it necessary for the food industry to adhere to a variety of climate change-related regulations. Environmentally friendly advanced technologies and regenerative agriculture enable food systems to better cooperate with nature and be part of the solution to reduce CO2 emissions.
Innovative ideas based on environmental considerations can become effective methods to reduce CO2 emissions in the food system. Technology and innovation therefore have a key role to play in the mission to save the planet.
In this challenge, you will be expected to come up with innovative solutions to help monitor and reduce carbon footprints - one of the key tasks in saving the climate.
Regenerative agriculture
Challenge. What solutions would encourage farmers, agribusiness and the food industry to adopt more effective regenerative agriculture practices?
The most promising solutions in Europe for addressing issues with human and climatic health, as well as farmers' financial security, are provided by regenerative agriculture. Public knowledge of the advantages of purchasing regeneratively grown products would rise if the agrifood sector were encouraged to embrace more effective agricultural techniques.
Current agricultural methods are degrading healthy soils and biodiversity, and the agri-food sector is directly responsible for 24% of global greenhouse gas emissions.
Unlike degraded soil, healthy organic topsoil holds CO2 and water and recycles nutrients. So, by working together with nature, we can grow more resilient crops, produce more valuable food, and use less water. We can even slow down climate change; if the world's soils stored at least 0.4% more CO2 each year, it would offset all human CO2 emissions.
In this challenge, you are expected to provide solutions that will encourage farmers and the agro-industry to move towards regenerative agriculture: to meet climate change mitigation goals, to meet food security needs, to protect farmland, and to create a healthier food system.
Dr. Rasa Melnikienė

Dr. Rasa Melnikienė
Director at Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences. Institute of Economics and Rural Development
Raktiniai žodžiai
Irina Koscelkovskienė

Irina Koscelkovskienė
Food Technologies Lecturer at Kaunas College
Dr. Antoni Kozič